Writing the blog posts on your blog can be a headache if you are facing the writer’s block. The blogger always needs to improve his writing skills day-by-day to make readers enjoy your posts. As a blogger, I always have to write blog posts for my multiple blogs, but I face the problem of consistency. So, I found the several ways to write a blog post in a better way and improve my writing skills day by day.
I always try to write compelling blog posts that encourage the readers to read the complete post and comment kind words on the post. How do I do it? Well, I follow some secret tips, which helps me to write better posts than yesterday. In this post, I will share some secret tips, which will help you to write better posts every time.
How to Write Better than Yesterday
I tried to analyze my writing patterns and skills some days ago and found some brilliant ways to improve my writing than yesterday. I mentioned some points below to let you know what you can do to write compelling blog posts, which are better than yesterday’s posts.
1. What are you Writing?
It’s an important question. What are you writing today? Before starting to write any blog post or the piece of the content, you should ask yourself this question and try to find answer from your mind. The subject you are writing about should be clear in your mind before starting to write. It will give you clear idea of what you are writing and why you are writing. Having the clear picture about the topic on which you are writing helps you to create a brilliant piece of the content, which is better than what you wrote yesterday.
2. Read a Lot
Reading helps to add a stack of knowledge in your mind, which can be used anytime while you are alive and dealing with people. The Same thing is with Writing, as the Voracious reader gets an advantage while writing the better content. Reading the books from all genres, reading them deeply and understanding the meaning helps you to carve out the excellent piece of the content from scratch, without taking extra time.
3. Take your Time
There is no meaning to write blog posts or the piece of content under pressure. The Time limits or the deadlines ruin the Writing experience for the writers and the reading experience for the readers. There is the loss of the both parties in pressure writings. So, I’d like to suggest you to take good time to write the blog posts, then working on the edge of the deadline to complete the job.
Writing the posts is the creative process, which needs some time to get activated in the mind of the writers. So, make sure you have enough time to think and write the blog post, which will impact the mind of the readers.
4. Speak to the Readers
Talking with readers makes more impact on the mind of the readers. The Way you write determines the readability of your content. While writing any blog post or the piece of content, write in the way you speak to the people. Write like you explain things to the people while talking. It helps a lot while writing, because while writing like you are talking with your readers, you make it easy for yourself to write flawlessly and consume less time for completing the work.
5. Choose the Best Time to Write
The Best time to write the blog posts or the content is typically in the night or in the early morning. These two timings are the best to find peace and little freshness in the environment, as there is no one to disturb you in the writing process. The productive timing depends on the biological clock of the person. For someone, the productive time is in the night, or for someone, the productive time is in the morning. Find your productive timing, and choose that timing to write the content in that time. I can bet that it will improve the writing experience and the outcome than it was on previous day.
6. Try Free Hand Writing
I always write a blog post by following “Free-Hand” writing method. The Free hand Writing method is the easiest way to write brilliant blog posts without facing any writer’s block. In the free-hand writing process, the writer starts the writing with free-hand means without taking note of the grammatical errors, sentence structure, and other formatting things. The writer begins to write as the things come in his mind at the time.
By this way, writer can write good content within short time and later starts formatting it. I regularly follow Free-hand method to write the blog posts and other pieces of content and i always get better content everytime. I just write what comes to my mind, then i stop and check for grammatical errors and then format the post correctly with heading the other tags. Believe me, it works really good for creating a great piece of content in short time.
Ways To Write Better – Conclusion
Writing the compelling blog posts is the difficult task for most of the bloggers, but if you need some tips, then follow these above mentioned tips, to write better blog posts everyday. These tips are the secret ingredients which i use for writing the best blog posts every day. If you follow these tips, then i am sure, you’ll write perfect blog posts just like i do. The tips are working correctly, but if you are trying them for the first time, then you may need some time before getting used to it. But, after practising it a bit, you’ll definitely write better blog posts for your blogs and clients.