In this article, we have featured 7 Easy Tips for Getting More Blog TrafficBlogs are a great format for a business website. They also work quite well as a branding tool for a website. However, in order to achieve the business goals you need blog traffic. If you’re looking to increase traffic to your blog, there are a few tried and true tactics that work. Here are seven tips for getting more blog traffic.
#1 Title tags
Your post title has two purposes. It’s there to attract attention and motivate people to read your blog post. It’s also there to help drive traffic to your blog. It’s there to be indexed by the search engines.
That means you want to have keywords in your post’s title as well. Consider doing a bit of keyword search to find common search phrases before you post to your blog. The more search engine-friendly, the more traffic you will drive to your blog.
What is a title tag?
The title tag is an HTML element that specifies a web page’s title. In a search engine results page, the title tag of a page is displayed as part of the search snippet (SERP). It displays as the search result’s clickable headline and is crucial for user experience, SEO, and social sharing. A web page’s title tag should provide a clear and concise explanation of the page’s content.
Length of the title tag that is ideal
While Google does not recommend a certain length for title tags, most desktop, and mobile browsers can display the first 50–60 characters. According to our research, if you keep your titles under 60 characters, you can anticipate roughly 90% of them to display correctly in the SERPs.
(Because characters vary in pixel width, there is no exact character limit.) In most cases, Google SERPs can display up to 600 pixels.)
While it is crucial to write brief titles for human readability and understanding, Google’s spiders will scan the page and consider the entire title tag (within reason) even if it is not displayed in full in the SERPs.
#2 Comment
One of the best ways to get more blog traffic is to become active on other industry blogs. That means registering and commenting on blog posts. Be sure to use your blog’s URL as your website address when registering.
What is Blog Commenting?
A relationship between blogs, bloggers, and blog readers is defined as blog commenting. It’s a fantastic method to share thoughts, ideas, and opinions about how people feel about a particular topic or blog post.
Commenting on a blog increases traffic and makes it more social. Blog commenting is an action taken by blog viewers, visitors, or readers; blog readers or visitors leave comments on blog posts in the form of questions if they have a question, or simply leave a comment to express their appreciation for the information shared, or the blog author may respond to the comments posted by the blog readers.
Why is it vital to leave comments on blogs?
The same way that fuel is to a car, comments are to blogs. Knowledge is shared through blog comments. Blog commenting is a technique to spread the word about your blog.
Commenting leads to discussion, which leads to the development of a relationship between the user and the author. The more people who talk about you, the more popular you will become.
Furthermore, commenting does not only help you gain popularity; it also helps you gain a lot of backlinks and visitors to your website.
#3 Tag your posts
Tags are a way to label your content. Online databases like Technorati use tags to help bookmark content for users. Tagging essentially helps people find your content. It makes your posts more user-friendly and helps drive traffic to specific categories and posts.
What Is a Blog Post Tag and What It Isn’t
Tags are comparable to many other site elements, which can be perplexing. To begin, let’s define what a tag is and isn’t.
To begin with, blog post tags are not the same as hashtags. They serve similar purposes, but hashtags work across several platforms, which is why when you search for #puppies on Instagram, you get results from over a million distinct accounts. Because post tags only operate within your site, clicking the pups tag will only return posts about puppies.
Post tags aren’t the code snippets used by Google Tag Manager to track marketing efforts. These are two completely distinct things.
Post Tags Complement Categories
Tags are optional, but WordPress puts blog articles into categories automatically. Your material will be “uncategorized” if you don’t create and use your own categories.
That’s not useful for your readers, you, search crawlers, or individuals looking for the topics you write about on search engines.
Some bloggers believe that categories handle all of their sorting needs, thus they don’t tag their posts. That might work if you have a small blog that doesn’t get updated very often, but the more content you have and the more diverse your topics are, the more tags you’ll find handy.
#4 Invite guest bloggers
Guest bloggers bring with them their own audience. They help add credibility to your website and in turn, they drive traffic. Additionally, guest bloggers are sure to promote their posts on your site through social media and their own blogs. This means added traffic.
What Is The Reverse Guest Posting Technique?
I’m sure you’ve heard of guest posting before; after all, we’ve talked about it several times.
For a brief refresher, consider the following:
- Determine which websites in your niche have valuable influencers.
- Send them an email with a personalized pitch.
- Write an article for those who accept you.
- Get your work published on their site and reap the rewards.
Have you ever considered inviting others to contribute to your blog as guest writers? Most likely not. It’s a mental change, but it makes perfect sense if you think about it. You’ve got a blog, and ideally, you’re working hard to improve it.
It gets more appealing to those wanting to guest post as it expands and gains more authority. The problem is that while there are so many blogs out there and you can only write for a small number of them, not all of them will consider pitching you.
But what if you were proactive and invited them to join you? Would they accept? Although not all of them would, many of them would, given that you’ve just saved them the pain of having to message twenty other individuals in order to receive one acceptance.
#5 Social networking
Link to posts on your social networking profile pages, fan pages, and through your posts. Include a teaser or ask a question to motivate social network users to click through to your blog post.
Social networking has evolved into a commonplace mode of internet usage. The use of social media websites and apps, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to interact with family, friends, and people who share your interests is referred to as social networking.
Social networking is widely used around the world, particularly among young people, but not everyone understands what it entails. Here’s a quick rundown of social networking’s applications, components, and terms.
If you engage in social networking, you are connecting with others through social media platforms, often known as social networks. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are some of the most popular social networking platforms.
While different social media sites cater to different demographics, Facebook is an excellent example of a generic social network. When you join Facebook, you may recognize some of your Facebook friends and add them as friends. As you become more familiar with the platform, you may add friends who share your interests or discover people you already know and add them. Others may come across your profile on Facebook and want to connect with you.
Terms and Elements Used in Social Networking
Each social networking site and the app has its own set of features and points of view, yet they all share some basic qualities. You’ll come across these terms whether you’re new to Facebook, Twitter, or a new website.
Your Online Persona
Your profile comprises basic information about you, such as a photo, a short bio, the location where you live, and occasionally more personal information, such as your birthdate, where you went to college, and your hobbies. You may typically make your profile as personal or as generic as you want.
#6 Social bookmarking
Sites like Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, and other social bookmarking sites are great for driving traffic. The mistake some users make is to bookmark every single post on their blog. Instead, submit the top posts only.
#7 Use your analytics
Find out what posts are most popular. Look to see where your readers are coming from and explore how they find your site. Then repeat those posts and marketing measures. For example, if you find that most of your traffic is coming from social networking activities and they really like your weekly quotes, then you know you can capitalize on that.
Above all else, focus on creating quality content. The more personable you are and the more value you offer, the better. People will naturally link to you and promote your blog. You’ll attract an audience and your blog traffic will increase.
Quick Links:
- How to Find Paid Blogging Work
- Five Ways to Make Money with Your Blog
- Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Blog
Conclusion: 7 Easy Tips for Getting More Blog Traffic In 2021
You’ll get traffic if you first provide the finest content for the visitor (with search engines in mind). You’ll make money if you convert that traffic into leads and customers.
Now it’s up to you to decide. To begin, follow the five steps outlined in Case Study #1 to create the groundwork for a flood of traffic. The