If you want to build trust on your blogging business, there is a simple thing that you can do.
You simply make yourself to be recognized as an expert blogger. If people recognize you as an amateur blogger, most of the time they won’t be willing to spend their money on your products.
That’s why it is important for you to establish yourself as an expert blogger, even though you’re still new in the blogging world. The best way to do this is to recognize the characteristics of an expert blogger and try to apply those characteristics in your life.
Here are some traits that will turn an average blogger into an expert blogger:
1. Expert Blogger Is a Passionate Writer
Obviously, you need to have a passion in writing for your blog.
Why? That’s because blogging is about writing. The job that you need to do as a blogger is writing content. That’s the primary task that you have to accomplish each and every day.
If you are not passionate about writing, then you won’t be able to become an expert in blogging. Yes, you can hire writers for your blog, but at least you should also publish your own writing to your blog once per week so that you can communicate directly with your audience.
2. Expert Blogger Always Go For Quality over Quantity
Do you think that the more articles you publish to your blog, the better your blog will be?
It’s not simply about quantity.
If you can’t publish quality articles, then no matter how many articles you publish on your blog, it won’t give your blog any good reputation. You have to focus more on the quality of work that you can give to your blog.
Your readers will judge the quality of your writing, and they will determine whether or not they will follow your blog based on your content quality.
3. Expert Blogger Knows About the Readers and How to Appeal To Them
You have to understand what your readers want from you. If you keep giving your readers what they want, they will stick with you.
It is also important for you to understand about how to communicate with your readers in the best possible way. Remember, different niche means different type of audience. It also means different way of communication.
You have to know about how to appeal to your readers‘ emotion and connect with them personally.
4. Expert Blogger Is an Expert in Tweaking Their Blog
Don’t call yourself an expert if you don’t even know how to install WordPress on your web server.
Many expert bloggers know very much about how to tweak their blog, including how to apply custom design for their blog, add plug-ins, put a squeeze page pop-up, insert advertisement, and so on. If you want to make yourself an expert, you have to put some time to learn about the technical side of your blogging business.
It will help you to manage your blog more effectively.
5. Expert Blogger Gives High Regard to Discipline and Perseverance
You have to be consistent with your blog. For this, you have to build new traits called discipline and perseverance. Blogging is a tough business. You will not see an instant result from your blogging business.
If you start your blogging business this month, your blog might not be able to produce any income for you in the next 6 months. Will you be able to persevere in this situation? Most people will not be able to persevere.
But, if you can become persevere in this situation as well as have discipline in your attitude, you will eventually come up as a successful blogger. That’s how the experts make money from their blog.
6. Expert Blogger Has Good Understanding about SEO Writing
Writing for your blog is different from writing for your offline publication. When you are writing for your blog, you want people to come to your writing through the search engine.
Thus, it is very important for you to understand about the basic of search engine optimization. Write for your readers as well as for the search engine robots. That should be your standard of operation. Once you understand about the tidbits of SEO, you will be able to write your content more effectively.
7. Expert Blogger Has Confidence to Promote Their Blog
Many new bloggers don’t have any confidence in promoting their blog because they feel that their blog is still ugly and not so good. Well, guess what? That’s not the attitude of an expert.
You need to have the confidence to promote your blog. Just promote your blog without fear of rejection, and in so doing, you will understand more and more about your flaws.
You will be able to fix your flaws and improve your blog. In this way, your blog will grow in the positive direction. You’ll get more reputation and trust from your readers, and over time, follower retweet your blog and will become more popular. So, be confident with your blog.
Those are the important characteristics that you have to apply in your life if you want to be recognized as an expert blogger.