
Tai Lopez Quotes: 90+ My Favourite Quotes Of All Time

Tai Lopez is perhaps one of the most well-known and controversial educators and marketers on the globe, having risen from obscurity to authority as a result of his now-viral commercial “Here in my garage.”

Tai has become a virtual guru to millions across the globe with his opulent lifestyle, excellent business acumen, and extraordinary Rolodex by distributing advice from his mentors to the people.

Whether you like or despise him, or have never heard of him, Tai’s insights on the “happy life” provide vital advice and life directives.

And now, I’d like to share a few of my favorite Tai Lopez quotes with you in order to inspire you to live a good life and obtain the health, prosperity, love, and happiness you’ve been after for so long.

Let us begin.

A Few Words About Tai Lopez

Tai Lopez is a YouTube personality and entrepreneur. I’m sure you’ve seen one of his videos and are fascinated by what he does.

Whether you like or despise him, the age-old adage “don’t shoot the messenger” should be heeded. Some of the most valuable lessons learned came from individuals who may have insulted you or whom you disliked, but the message was necessary.

I have a great deal of respect for Tai Lopez, simply because he earned his way to the top.

If you’ve had a look at Tai Lopez’s course “67 Steps to the Good Life” and listened to the complete series, you’ll immediately discover that he’s the genuine thing and talks with honesty, no bull shite.

One of the qualities I love most about Tai Lopez is his consummate reading. He reads a book every day and urges others to do the same. I’ve been reading books for ten years and aspire to achieve Tai Lopez’s level of reading a book a day.

Considering the cumulative impact, if you read a book a day, or 365 books a year, I’m confident you’ll gain a significant edge over your opponents.

Without further ado, here is some quality Tai Lopez material.

Tai Lopez Quotes

Some of the Best Quotes by Tai Lopez

1. “A book a day makes the bills go away.”

2. “As the saying goes, ‘faith without works is dead.’ You gotta combine your faith with your actions.”

3. “As you rise, the number of critics will also rise. Humans seek out negativity. It’s a cognitive bias of their brains. Stay focused and proceed.”

4. “Be careful about discouraging people’s dreams. They might just pull them off.”

5. “Be humble. Persevere. Read more. Toughen up.”

6. “Before you go out and occupy Wall Street, occupy your own brain!”

7. “Divide up your life. Spend 33% of your time around people lower than you, you can mentor them. Spend 33% of your time with people that are on your level – your friends and peers. Spend 33% of your time with people that are 10/20 years ahead of you. Those are your mentors.”

8. “Don’t let procrastination kill your hopes and dreams.”

9. “Double down on what’s working. Cut the rest.”

10. “Every day you have to think big & small. Bigger than you did the day before, but also smaller. If you don’t do both, you’ll get lost.”

11. “Everybody wants more out of life. Question is, what do you want?”

12. “Everybody wants the good life, but not everybody gets the good life.”

13. “Everything wrong in your life is just a sign. A signal to change. Be humble enough to bow your knee and listen and act.”

14. “Focus on your goal and elevate your game and what you want will find you.”

15. “Go to conferences and seminars once a month. Invest in your own brain.”

16. “Hard work makes people look up to you. Be a part of someone’s 33% they aspire to be.”

17. “I am not anti-university. I just think it doesn’t make sense that most university professors haven’t experienced earning millions a year, yet they’re relied on to give advice about business.”

18. “I love listening to Charlie Munger say, “I know of no wise person who doesn’t read a lot.”

19. “If all you do is look forward to the weekend, holidays and time away from your job, you have a serious problem.”

20. “If I could have one superpower, without a doubt, it would be the ability to stay cool under intense pressure. What could be more important?”

21. “If it won’t matter in one week, one month or one year, then don’t worry about it.”

22. “If we all knew how much we’ve missed out on being unhealthy, dysfunctional and broke, we’d be working a lot harder towards our goals.”

23. “If you can stay cool in the middle of tough times, you will rise above the masses and shine when everyone else is panicking…”

24. “If you want to motivate people, you have to be motivated. It’s contagious.”

25. “If you’re having a hard time sticking to a schedule/procrastinating there’s a simple solution. Reduce the time. Do less but be consistent.”

26. “If you’re unhappy in the modern world you have an “unfortunate misappraisal” of reality. Standards of living are higher than ever.”

27. “In the modern world, it’s easy to be distracted instead of being grateful.”

28. “Increase your attention span. Your ability to concentrate predicts your long-term success at almost anything.”

29. “It’s amazing what a little consistent brain training can do for your life.”

30. “It’s basically impossible to teach someone if they aren’t curious about the subject. This is where modern schooling goes wrong.”

31. “It’s hard to predict what will be successful. The best approach is to experiment with products until you find what sticks.”

32. “It’s harder to not be idiotic than most of us think.”

33. “It’s okay to have material things. Just be sure you invest most of your money in your brain (books, travel, consultants, mentors, courses, conferences, programs)…”

34. “It’s one thing to know thyself. It’s a more difficult thing to follow that knowledge.”

35. “KSE: remember, after Knowledge, you must Strategize and Execute.”

36. “Leaders are readers.”

37. “Learn what makes people say yes. People value different things. Find what they like & use that to negotiate.”

38. “Make a list of the people you admire and what makes them amazing. Then go out and become those things yourself.”

39. “My favorite way to make money is while I sleep.”

40. “My first mentor Joel Salatin said, “If you have to go on a vacation from your job, never come back.”

41. “Never be a bitch of your own mind.”

42. “Never chase what you want. Elevate your game until what you want chases you.”

43. “Never sacrifice physical health in the pursuit of money. That’s a given. Figure out a strategy to raise both simultaneously. It’s tricky.”

44. “Never wait until it’s too late. Don’t let tragedy be your only trigger for revaluation and action.”

45. “Number one rule for becoming a millionaire; you gotta hang out with people who would be embarrassed for only making $1 million.”

46. “Number two rule for becoming a millionaire; whoever experiments the most usually wins. So, you have to run through at least 100 to make money.”

47. “Obsessed is a word used often by the lazy, in order to describe the dedicated.”

48. “One of the lessons I took from yesterday’s game is that life is about momentum. If things are going well in your life, don’t stop. Double down on what is working.”

49. “One thing I’ve noticed with the successful, they don’t spend a lot of time on the past.”

50. “People have more theories on me than Albert Einstein had on the universe.”

51. “People think I’m joking when I say that whoever experiments the most in life wins. But I’m not…”

52. “Plan. Do. Double Check. Act.”

53. “Predict and prevent. Predict and prevent. This is the key to avoiding trauma and huge mistakes…”

54. “Quotes could save your life.”

55. “Read one book a day.”

56. “Remember that your brain isn’t built for happiness. It’s built for survival. Happiness is something you have to create after-the-fact.”

57. “Remember, you can’t vote yourself rich (in money, love, or happiness), it’s not politics that will improve your life.”

58. “Rules of negotiation: let others air their opinions first to understand their values so you can see what to negotiate on.”

59. “Set your goals with your heart/feelings, but make your strategy with your head/logic.”

60. “So many cool opportunities in the world, so few people prepared to take them and reap the rewards. Prepare yourself.”

61. “So many people are in the gym working on their 6 pack but they forget the 6 pack for their brain.”

62. “The 3 main traits to remove from yourself & avoid in others: more than 20% weird, dramatic, or fearful…”

63. “The amount of important life lessons not taught in high school is insane: how to read people, how to invest in the stock market, understanding extroverts vs introverts, real estate, how to break up with people, how to get investors…”

64. “The biggest puzzle you must figure out: the balance between how realistic vs. how idealistic you should be in life. What’s the balance?”

65. “The current education system forgot you have to inspire kids. You can’t just lecture them.”

66. “The day you figure out your career destiny is the day your true financial freedom begins.”

67. “The penalty for procrastination is the loss of hopes and dreams.”

68. “The space between failure and success seems large. It’s not. The difference between a good carpenter and a bad one is about a quarter of an inch.”

69. “The tough truth about life is that some things just take time. Most people aren’t strong enough to deal with that fact.”

70. “The weakness of both intuition and logic is that logic can be too slow, and intuition can be too fast.”

71. “There are 4 keys for living the good life: health, wealth, love and happiness.”

72. “There will be a day soon when you have to make your big move. When that day comes, be bold.”

73. “To create real wealth, make someone else wealthy first. This is the law of the mentor/apprentice.”

74. “To do big things you have to insist on thinking things through… thinking pretty hard to get the right answer and then acting on it…”

75. “To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want.”

76. “To succeed you need a system of “carrots & sticks” – ways to motivate yourself by receiving rewards and avoiding punishment. You need both.”

77. “Train your brain.”

78. “True wealth is being able to drop whatever it is you’re doing and go do something else or travel somewhere else without any worry.”

79. “Understanding personality types is the most important social skill you can have. If you understand people, you can influence them. In order to understand them, you must be able to analyze them.”

80. “Want to be successful? Be nice.”

81. “When you find a better way don’t be stubborn. Like H. G. Wells said, ‘Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.’”

82. “When you make a mistake, sometimes the only way out is to walk away and never look back.”

83. “Whenever I feel like whining, I remind myself, ‘Wake up Tai, this world doesn’t owe you anything.’”

84. “Work hard in silence and let your success be your noise.”

85. “You can always find time. You don’t get paid for making excuses.”

86. “You can get most things you want in life. It’s just that most goals will take one or two years longer than expected. Be patient.”

87. “You can run from your problems but not from the flaws in your thinking. Always start by fixing your brain. Train it to remove logical fallacies.”

88. “You have to be “impatiently patient.” Impatient to get started but patiently persevere to finish what you started.”

89. “You have to be optimistic & just ignore some things. Like Ben Franklin said, ‘Keep your eyes wide open before marriage & half shut afterwards.’”

90. “Your brain finds happiness in mastering skills. It’s been that way since you were little. So, don’t stop mastering life as you get older.”

91. “Your life should be dominated by only one main fear: Not fully optimizing today. That’s the healthiest fear in the world.”

92. “Your mind is almost impossible to overcome. Yet true happiness only comes from controlling your mind.”

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Thousands of people take notice of Tai Lopez’s book suggestions. Tai sometimes recreates quotations from well-known figures and gives them a new spin. He then offers smart and encouraging thoughts over social media.

As Tai does with his great words, you should also share them with someone you care about. Tai’s remarks are intended to brighten your day and inspire you to live a joyful life.

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