
SamCart vs ThriveCart 2024: Which Is The Best Checkout Software?

You might have spent a lot of time choosing the right eCommerce platform for your business. But are you sure that it is the best fit?

The two most popular platforms in this industry are SamCart and ThriveCart.

Both of them offer similar features with slight differences. Here’s what we found out about these tools when we compared them side by side.

First things first: Both SamCart and ThriveCart will help you build an online store quickly without any coding knowledge or technical expertise. They provide drag-and-drop features to customize your site according to your requirements using their simple admin panel interface.

However, there are some noteworthy differences between these two platforms, which makes choosing one over the other difficult at times.

Let’s check them out!

Samcart vs Thrivecart

Bottom Line Upfront:

Right off the bat, ThriveCart has proven to be a better option than SamCart, especially in terms of overall performance, features, and value. Their lifetime offer makes it an even more suitable option.

Try ThriveCart Now!

SamCart vs ThriveCart 2024: Overview

SamCart Overview

SamCart is a shopping cart platform that stands out with unique features compared to similar platforms like ThriveCart.

Brian Moran, the creator of and “Get 10,000 Fans,” created SamCart in response to a demand for an ideal shopping cart solution that solved the drawbacks of other accessible choices.

Today, SamCart has grown into one of the largest companies globally in this sector, serving thousands of clients, including many renowned figures in different industries.

Furthermore, SamCart has expanded its offerings with the introduction of CreatorU, a learning platform where users can acquire various skills from successful online entrepreneurs.

ThriveCart Overview

ThriveCart is a specialized shopping cart service that is particularly effective for digital product sales. It offers various features designed to boost sales, including order bumps, upsells, and downsells.

One of ThriveCart’s key strengths is its integrated, powerful affiliate program, which eliminates the need for additional software for affiliate management. A standout feature that gives ThriveCart a competitive edge over other services is its one-time fee structure.

This pricing approach is particularly appealing as it provides access to all the service’s capabilities without recurring charges, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses focusing on digital sales.

ThriveCart vs SamCart: Fetaures Comparison

To ease your decision, I have divided SamCart and ThriveCart into different features and their performances in each department.

Let’s look at these.

1. Page Builder


SamCart has some amazing drag-and-drop icons, headers, spaces, and many other elements for your product page to create a stylish checkout page. You will never need coding to build a product page for your website with SamCart.

SamCart’s pre-designed templates are unique and beautiful. You do not need to build your page from scratch; select the template you like from SamCart’s collection, choose a theme for your page, and add the product and its details by just dragging and dropping.

Your page will be ready in no time.

There is no limitation on the number of products you want to sell with SamCart.

You can add any number of products on one page, yet the quality of your page will be great, i.e., there will be no slow loading issues with even hundreds of products on one page.

When you sell your products worldwide, the product page needs to be localized. Localization leads to personalization and a better user experience.

With SamCart, you can localize your page for every country separately and also localize the currency to give them a better idea of pricing.

You can integrate your payment options with digital wallet apps like Google Pay and Apple Pay. This will allow your users to make easy payments while checking out.


Like SamCart, ThriveCart has a drag-and-drop page builder feature. The templates in ThriveCart are not so different from those in SamCart; both have beautifully designed templates.

ThriveCart templates are designed to help you with your lead generation and sales increment. The difference is that these templates are compatible with any device. This is a very important feature, as most people have now switched to using mobile phones instead of shopping via desktops.

When I compared the time it took to create a page using ThriveCart and SamCart, ThriveCart pages took less time because the interface was better, and the page design elements loaded more quickly.

Final Verdict

Both SamCart and ThriveCart have optimized and great templates to choose from, and it is easy to create product pages via both tools.

ThriveCart is just more user-friendly and quicker than SamCart when it comes to building product pages. Therefore, ThriveCart is the winner when it comes to page building.

2. Analytics & Reporting


Wouldn’t it be great if you could have three sales with the motive of selling one product?

SamCart uses the order bump feature to recommend products on a product page that are highly relevant to the product your user is searching for.

With SamCart’s upsell feature, you can persuade a customer to purchase a higher version of the product he is looking for. You can also compare the product the customer is looking for to some other high-end products with a higher price on the page.

If his priority is features and he is willing to spend money on them, this will help you increase your profit margins.

You can A/B test almost everything with SamCart. A/B testing will help you know your target audience even better. A/B testing also allows you to increase your conversion rates as well.

With SamCart’s smart pixel tracking, you can track your audience’s source, i.e., where they found your website, whether organically, by social media platform, or through the ad campaign you ran on Google or any other social media platform.

SamCart also helps you get information on your essential KPIs, like total sales, total profit, cart abandonment, and many more, with its analytics dashboard. It is easy to use and generates downloadable reports.

With the Add to Order feature, you can sell products that have a monthly or yearly subscription plan as well.


With ThriveCart, you get various KPIs.

Apart from these major KPIs, ThriveCart has more to offer: 

Final Verdict

The KPIs for which ThriveCart provides data are the same for SamCart as well, but SamCart goes a step further and provides smart pixel tracking, which ThriveCart lacks.

Therefore, the winner when it comes to analytical features is SamCart.

3. Affiliate Program Management

Affiliate programs come into the picture when a business has money to hire people who could sell their product and earn a commission.

You do not need a boatload of money to start affiliate marketing for your product.

Whenever an affiliate sells a product from your website to customers via affiliate marketing techniques, they will have to be paid a certain percentage of the product price as a commission.

SamCart and ThriveCart both help you set up an effective affiliate marketing funnel for your business.


ThriveCart’s affiliate feature stands out because of its easy-to-use reporting dashboard, which is great for beginners. The dashboard gives you a lot of information that you can look into. It is designed so that anyone, no matter their skill level, can easily understand and use the data to make smarter marketing choices.

In the affiliate center, you have complete control over various aspects, such as an overview of your affiliates, how you pay them, product options, and program rules.

By exploring these different tabs, you can get a more detailed view and have more control over how your affiliates work.


SamCart features an impressive affiliate program platform that outshines many other shopping carts. Its design is focused not just on selling your products but also on enabling you to recruit and manage as many affiliates as necessary. This approach is aimed at increasing your sales and enhancing your revenue.

The platform offers a user-friendly dashboard with clear reporting, presenting a wealth of data for analysis. It equips you with all the necessary tools to gather useful insights and make informed decisions, driving your business toward success in affiliate marketing.

Final Verdict

Both SamCart and ThriveCart have great affiliate program setup and analytical features, but ThriveCart has numerous features that SamCart lacks. So, the clear winner when it comes to the affiliate program is ThriveCart.

4. Integrations


The impressive lineup of integrations offered by ThriveCart is comparable to SamCart’s shopping cart software. These integrations span various categories, enhancing the platform’s versatility.


ThriveCart boasts a comprehensive range of integrations, making it an excellent addition to your marketing toolkit.

These integrations span various essential services, enhancing the platform’s functionality and compatibility:

Final Verdict

Both SamCart and ThriveCart have many integrations to choose from. But SamCart has better integration tools than ThriveCart.

SamCart also offers integration with Zapier, which can take your website to a different level when used efficiently.

5. AutoResponder

For those who are not aware of the term autoresponder, it is a technique for automatically replying to emails that appear in your account. The technique is mainly used for customer care services.

These e-mail replies could be simple or complex, depending on the tool and the problem you want to solve. Some popular autoresponder tools are Constant Contact, Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and Get Response.

Both of these tools, i.e., SamCart and ThriveCart, allow you to integrate with autoresponders.

The difference lies in the number of autoresponders you can integrate with your account. In the case of SamCart, you cannot integrate more than one autoresponder.

As soon as you try to do the same, you may face issues with how all the autoresponders are functioning, which would lead to poor or irrelevant email replies to the customers.

Such is not the case with ThriveCart. It allows you to integrate several autoresponders and then function smoothly.

One unique feature that ThriveCart provides and SamCart lacks is the Tag application.

These tags can be applied automatically to your sales funnels or steps, depending on where your customers exit your website.

Here is how it works in both tools:

Final Verdict

All autoresponder tools have their benefits so that you might require a specific feature of multiple autoresponder tools.

You might need to integrate multiple autoresponders. ThriveCart is the clear winner in this feature battle.

SamCart VS ThriveCart: Customer Support

Having a good tool to use is good, but it is even better if you have top-notch customer care service. Both SamCart and ThriveCart provide customer service for all their plans. 

SamCart Support

SamCart has a toll-free number. For customer support, you can call or email them at their official email ID.

SamCart’s support system is highly responsive, especially for paying customers. They offer guaranteed 1-day email support, which is a significant benefit.

However, at a premium price of $299 per month, some users might expect more personalized support, such as having a dedicated specialist available during working hours.

SamCart also provides a chatbot feature with the name SamBot. This bot offers automated suggestions, which can be quite helpful in guiding users toward solutions or providing immediate answers to common queries.

This tool is useful for quick assistance or for pointing users in the right direction for more complex issues.

ThriveCart Support

ThriveCart offers reliable email support, although it doesn’t feature a chatbot like SamCart. The knowledge base and instructional videos offered by ThriveCart are not as comprehensive as those of SamCart.

However, it’s important to consider that SamCart has been in the market for a longer period, which explains its more robust collection of content and videos.

As ThriveCart continues to grow and evolve, it’s expected that its range of educational materials and support resources will expand and become more comprehensive within the next couple of years.

Final Verdict

While neither SamCart nor ThriveCart is particularly renowned for exceptional support teams, SamCart does have an edge due to its more extensive knowledge base and partially functional chatbot.

This advantage provides users with a bit more assistance and resources for troubleshooting or learning about the platform.

SamCart vs ThriveCart: Pricing Plans

SamCart Pricing

SamCart comes with a free trial of 7 days where you can test and get used to the dashboard.

1) Launch plan: $79/month

2) Grow plan: $159/month

3) Scale plan

ThriveCart Pricing

Like SamCart, ThriveCart does not provide any free trials.

ThriveCart is a new platform and has two pricing plans for now.

ThriveCart offers two plans for lifetime access: the Standard plan for $495 and the Pro plan for $690. Each plan includes different features:

1. ThriveCart Standard ($495):

2. ThriveCart Pro ($690):

Conclusion: Who Wins the Cart Battle?

These two shopping cart software solutions function to help you make informed decisions for your business.

Both of these tools are amazing when it comes to checkout process optimization. They give their users a great user-friendly experience, and you can get used to these tools in just a few days.

But obviously, you cannot buy both of these tools just because they are great.

Long story short, none of the features will make or break your business, but the costs almost certainly will. So that’s how you should make your decision.

If asked to choose one, in my opinion, ThriveCart would be a good option.

It has superior and latest features of checkout optimization; the price is comparatively low, and it is useful as well as customer-friendly with its Google and Apple Pay integrations.

Plus, there is a special lifetime offer. So get that and start using it now.

FAQs: Samcart vs ThriveCart

👉 Is there a free trial for Samcart and Thrivecart?

With SamCart you get a free trial of 7 days so that you can use the tool and get used to it. With ThriveCart, you, unfortunately, have no free trial, but 30-days money-back guarantee.

👉Who provides more integrations between Samcart & Thrivecart?

SamCart provides more integrations when compared to ThriveCart. Zapier alone has 300+ integrating plugins which can be used and is integrated with SamCart but not with ThriveCart.

👉 What about customer service of Samcart and Thrivecart?

Supoort is better in the case of SamCart, as it has a dedicated team of technicians who look into the matter and a bot.

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