
Everything You Need To Know About Pinterest Analytics

Do you sell products onPinterest?If so, then you need to be using Pinterest Analytics. This powerful tool provides insights into the interests of your target audience and shows you how well your pins and boards are performing. In short, it helps you sell more stuff!

What is Pinterest Analytics?

pinterest analytics

Pinterest Analytics is a tool that helps eCommerce sellers measure the performance of their pins and boards. It also provides insights into the interests of their target audience.

By understanding what people are searching for on Pinterest, eCommerce sellers can create pins and boards that are more likely to be seen by potential customers. Additionally, they can use Pinterest Analytics to track the number of repins, likes, and comments their pins receive.

This information can help them identify which pins are performing well and adjust their strategy accordingly. By using Pinterest Analytics, eCommerce sellers can improve their chances of success on Pinterest.

Why Do You Need Pinterest Analytics?

If you want to be successful on Pinterest, then you need to understand what people are searching for. And that’s exactly what Pinterest Analytics does. It shows you the most popular searches on Pinterest so that you can create pins and boards that are more likely to be seen by potential customers.

In addition to helping you understand what people are interested in, Pinterest Analytics also lets you track the number of likes, comments, and repins your pins receive. This information is valuable because it helps you identify which pins are performing well and which ones need to be improved.

By using Pinterest Analytics, you can fine-tune your pinning strategy and increase your chances of success on Pinterest. So if you’re not already using this powerful tool, then now is the time to start!

Analytics Help You Understand Your Audience

When you use Pinterest Analytics, you can see detailed information about the people who visit your profile and engage with your pins. This includes information like their location, gender, age, and the type of device they use.

This information is valuable because it helps you understand who your target audience is and what kind of content they engage with most often. Armed with this information, you can create pins that are more likely to be seen and engaged with by your target audience.

Analytics Help You Improve Your Pins

In addition to helping you understand your target audience, Pinterest Analytics also provides data that can help you improve the quality of your pins. For example, you can see which pins are getting the most engagement, which boards they’re being saved to most often, and which factors are contributing to high-quality engagement.

With this information, you can replicate the success of your best pins and avoid the mistakes of your worst ones.

Understanding Pinterest Analytics

There are four main sections in Pinterest analytics: Profile, Audience, Pins, and Activity. Each of these sections provides valuable insights that can help you improve your Pinterest marketing strategy.

Profile: The Profile section gives you an overview of your account activity, including the number of monthly views, number of followers, number of following, and number of pins. This is a great way to get a high-level view of your account performance.

Audience: The Audience section lets you know who’s interacting with your content. You can see information like gender, age range, location, and language. This data can help you better understand who your target audience is and tailor your content accordingly.

Pins: The Pins section shows you which of your pins are getting the most engagement. You can see things like repins, saves, closeups, clicks, and impressions. This data can help you determine which types of pins are resonating with users and performing well.

Activity: The Activity section gives you an overview of your profile activity for the month. This includes things like total pins, boards created, boards followed, etc.


Pinterest is a powerful platform for marketing eCommerce businesses. And, understanding how to use Pinterest Analytics is essential for success on the site.

By setting up an analytics account and taking some time to interpret your data, you can develop a strong understanding of what works well on Pinterest and use that information to drive traffic back to your website or product listings. Doing so will help increase sales and grow your business!


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