Jungle Scout is a web-based tool that allows you to quickly and easily see the sales rank, estimated monthly traffic, reviews, average review and unit price of any product listed on Amazon. Jungle Scout has many features that can help online sellers in their business in different ways.
Jungle Scout alternatives are available for people who need something more or less than Jungle Scout offers. Jungle Scout alternatives also provide different advantages over Jungle Scout
Here are some Jungle Scout Alternatives we Recommend:
Sellics is our number one alternative to JungleScout. It’s cloud based software which lets us import data from AMZ tracker and parse them into nice tables. There’s no additional steps needed because it automatically extracts sales estimates and calculates ROI just like Jungle Scout.
If JungleScout is a browser plugin, Sellics offers an easy to use cloud based software that helps sellers just like JungleScout but in different ways. It automatically imports data from AMZ Tracker, calculates sales estimates and ROI without the seller doing anything extra than adding their product of choice in the dashboard.
Although Jungle Scout has the most straightforward design and is suitable for all kinds of online sellers, some people are looking for more options or something really simple so they can learn as quickly as possible with minimal features.
Revenue Cat
Jungle Scout Alternative – Revenue Cat comes as handy here! They have less features than Jungle scout but still enough to get your business started. Revenue Cat has several advantages over JVs: – It provides actual sales data for sorting results by estimated sales. –
You don’t need to reach out to sellers or do any Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) research because Revenue Cat does it all for you! – Saves time – the last thing you want to do is spend hours researching products that may not even sell well. Revenue cat will save you loads of time!
Another Jungle Scout alternative is QuickSeller, which has an efficient barcode scanning technology. QuickSeller can be used by online sellers regardless of which type of business they are. QuickSeller, a powerful Amazon seller software is the best choice for you to help manage your orders and inventory.
QuickSeller has been built to meet all of your needs whether you are a new or experienced seller. The software easily integrates into any size business with unlimited features so it can scale with you. QuickSeller is an essential tool that simplifies and automates many of the tasks involved in managing your Amazon business.
QuickSeller will save time by automating order fulfilment activities like importing large amounts of data quickly, automating inventory management processes like updating product prices on Amazon
AMZ Tracker
Jungle Scout Alternative – AMZ Tracker offers various additional features including email support. The thing we like most about this one is the fact that we can import data from Amazon using API codes so there’s no need of logging into multiple accounts when researching products.
AMZ Tracker is the best AMZ Affiliate software tool available. AMZ Tracker has a wide range of features that other AMZ Affiliate Software Tools don’t have, to optimize your AMZ Affiliate website and grow your business online.
AMZ Tracker will automate a lot of tasks like: AMZ Affiliate Tracking, AMZ Keyword Research, AMZ Product Feeds, AMZ Country specific AMZ product feeds and AMZ Generation. If you are thinking about an AMZ Affiliate Software tool to automate your AMZ business online, AMZ Tracker is the best choice. With no doubt, AMZ tracker is a lot more convenient than Jungle Scout Google Chrome extension.
Jungle Cat
Jungle Scout Alternative – Jungle Cat offers advanced features for the best price! The cool thing about Jungle Cat is that it also supports JungleScout CSV exports which are useful in order to use data from JungleScout inside other tools or software.
The main difference between Jungle Cat and Jungle Scout is that Jungle Cat offers more search filters than Jungle Scout: “Depending on what niche your business operates in or what items you want to stand out from the crowd, you can narrow down your search even further using additional revenue data such as price, sales rank, profit margin.”
But Jungle Cat also has a few drawbacks – some of which are due to Jungle Scouts super reliable software. One example being that there isn’t an easy way to something within Jungle Cat, you have to copy the search URL, add it into Jungle Scout and then if Jungle Cat has returned any results they will show up in Jungle Scout’s results.
Viral Launch
Viral launch is an online tool that helps you find profitable products to sell on Amazon. The Viral Launch software has many features but what really makes it unique is its crowd source data which includes: > 25+ million product listings for just 0.00015 cents each !
Viral Launch users can collect sales and revenue data from the Viral Launch software itself by using their Viral Launch API which can be used to build in-house tools or third party custom apps.
Viral Launch also has a mobile app that shows you real time Viral Launch data for Amazon products so you can find profitable products instantly anywhere, anytime! Viral launch gives sellers all the information they need about each product such as price history, number of reviews, profit margin and seller rating (FBA) etc.
I like Viral launch because it’s simple and easy to use. The Viral Launch Android app is great for when you’re out shopping for something on Amazon and want to check out some product prices etc.
Jungle Scout Alternatives Conclusion
So why should you use Jungle Scout over the alternatives? Well, first of all, it’s a free tool. Second, they have an easy-to-use dashboard that will help you find profitable products to sell on Amazon and other eCommerce sites like eBay or Shopify.
Thirdly, they provide analytics reports for your product research which helps with decision making when selecting items to buy in bulk from wholesalers. Fourthly, their mobile app lets you scan barcodes so you can see if there are any reviews before purchasing them! Fifthly…okay we won’t go on forever here but suffice it to say that this is one tool worth checking out (and using) for anyone looking at starting up an online