
Instagram vs Pinterest: Which Is Better Social Media Platform?

Trying to decide whether to use Instagram vs Pinterest for your social media marketing?

Both platforms are incredibly popular, but they serve different purposes. In this blog post, we’ll break down the key differences between Instagram and Pinterest so you can decide which one is right for your business.


Instagram loho- pinterest-vs-instagram

Instagram is a photo-sharing platform. Users can share both photos and videos, and they can also use filters to enhance their images. In addition to sharing images, users can also follow other users and like and comment on their posts.

One of the things that set Instagram apart from other platforms is that it’s very much focused on mobile usage; in fact, you can’t even view images on the desktop version of the site.


Pinterest, on the other hand, is a visual discovery tool. It’s less about sharing your own photos and more about finding ideas and inspiration from others.

In addition to photos, users can also save videos, articles, and more to their “boards.” Pinterest is also unique in that it drives a significant amount of traffic to other websites; in fact, it’s one of the largest referral sources for many e-commerce sites.

Instagram vs Pinterest Compared Feature by Feature

Visual Content

If you’re in a business that relies heavily on visuals, like fashion, art, or home décor, then Pinterest is definitely the platform for you. The site is basically one big visual inspiration board, and users are always on the lookout for new ideas and products to pin.

That said, if you don’t have a lot of high-quality visuals to share, Pinterest may not be the best platform for you.

Instagram, on the other hand, is perfect for sharing visuals. In fact, photos and videos are really all you can share on the platform. If you’re not a visual business, Instagram may not be the best fit. But if you are, there’s no better place to share your work than Instagram.

Audience Engagement

When it comes to audience engagement, both platforms offer a lot of opportunities for businesses. On Pinterest, you can engage with users by creating pins that are relevant to their interests and by responding to comments on your pins.

You can also join relevant group boards so that your pins show up in front of a wider audience.

On Instagram, you can engage with users by liking and commenting on their photos and videos, as well as by sharing user-generated content on your own feed. You can also create polls and ask questions in your Stories to encourage interaction with your followers.

Instagram Pros:

Instagram Cons:

Pinterest Pros:

Pinterest Cons:


So, which social media platform is the best? When it comes down to it, it really depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re wanting to build relationships and connect with potential customers, then Instagram is probably your best bet.

However, if you’re wanting to drive traffic to your site or promote a product, then Pinterest is likely a better option. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which platform you want to use based on your specific needs and goals.

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