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Email Opt-In: What It Is And How To Use It

Every day when you open your mailbox, do you carry a pile of unwanted postcards, circulars, flyers, and other advertisements?

This is called inbound marketing. Spray and pray is an approach which marketers use to circulate their messages as wide and far as possible. Most of their ads end up in the recycle bin, and they know it too.

Opt-in email is an entirely different type of marketing. Seth Godin stated this inbound approach as “permission marketing.” You are receiving your prospect’s approval to receive broadcasts from your brand.

Why Is That important?

Because your chances of sending your messages are far less likely to be the actual equal of the recycling bin, for the express objective of getting content from you, they have provided you their email addresses.

Opt-in email is not just more ethical, and it’s also more effective. To destroy your brand reputation and image by filling up email inboxes with unwanted messages is an excellent way. Around 269 billion emails are being sent every single day, and receivers just don’t react well to it.

Your goal is to engage with your customers and encourage them to sign up to get your online courses.  

Opt-In Email Definition

Once a consumer willingly gives his email addresses, opt-in emails are sent by brands afterward. In various ways, email addresses can be collected by brands. They usually use forms, as well as incentives such as free downloads. You can think of it as kind of a way for authenticating your email list. Rather than sending emails to those people whose interest may not be in your courses, you send emails directly to those people who already have an interest in your course and want to know more from you.

What Is Opt-In Email Marketing?

Opt-in email marketing campaign uses consent-based email collection techniques to get email addresses from voluntary consumers. Based on the customer’s stance in the sales funnel, you can put it on a marketing list once you have the email of potential customers.

For example: during his first connection with your brand, if that prospect signs up for your email list, you may put that customer into the list that presents your online courses and gives actionable advice for interested customers.

Though after buying your course, your prospect joins, you can send emails about receiving the most out of the course material or almost put in the knowledge you teach to the actual world.

Opt-in email marketing is not merely a way to obtain email addresses so you can burst candidates with the sales copy. Actually, that is a terrible method of using it.

Rather, opt-in email marketing should be used to nourish your prospects by the sales process.

Using The Email-Opt In

Let the recipients of your email marketing where they can find you online, from the social media accounts to blog.

You must provide practical explanations why the prospect should buy your courses. To clarify your points, you should use real-world examples wherever possible.

Reconnect with an encouraging email with those prospects who had abandoned their shopping carts or are inactive for a while, reminding them that you exist.

To encourage the prospects to purchase your course or to buy a subsequent course, use the technique of offering discounts and other promotions.

Based on your particular objectives, set up the opt-in marketing campaign. You don’t want to duplicate someone else’s campaign, as every course creator has their own goals. Rather you think of your own goals you want to achieve, then create emails that will help push consumers to help you reach them.

Make more people familiar with your brand, promote your email, opt-in to forward your messages if in your industry you want to set yourself up as an authority figure. You will get more signups if more people forward your emails.

To finally get people to press the buy button, use discounts, promotions, and bundles.

Motivate the consumers to purchase digital products and multiple.

Find out where your customers are in their online courses and if they require any help or get any feedback.

Invite your consumers to review your online courses. You will get more brand visibility, and backlinks and the prospective consumers will be more comfortable purchasing from you. As a matter of fact, in a study, around 85 percent of respondents stated that they have faith in online reviews as much as recommendations from friends.

As you get more subscribers and calculate the results, you will frequently modify your email marketing campaigns. You can not predict if the customer is going to open, read or connect with your emails whether you are applying an opt-in email approach.

Keeping a check on key metrics may help.

You may need to design more effective subject lines or bring up incentives earlier in your emails if your consumers are not opening your emails.

Customers don’t do anything else except opening your emails. Add more effective calls to action, providing discount codes and freebies. Through incentives, get people to hit on links.

Are customers purchasing your courses after reading emails? Track conversions by landing pages and emails to know how well you are converting. You may need a powerful lead magnet in case you are striving to increase grip with your email marketing campaign.

For example: pretend you created online courses for fitness freaks. You can build a PDF loaded with visual exercises and professional tips for a lead magnet. The other option is to Include video presentations of exercises or a free index for those who have an interest in HIIT.


A productive email strategy is needed for any business. To be in touch with your prospects is the easiest single way.

You don’t make the online courses just to see them unseen on your page, after all. You want people to purchase, complete, and appreciate your courses.

Email provides you an open line to every prospective customer, and it also keeps you connected to those customers who have purchased from you in the past and hence may buy again from you.

If you apply the above-described methods, you may motivate your customers to share your messages and to connect elsewhere online with you.

Obviously, first, you’ll have to create an email program. When you are ready, start gathering emails and sending messages.

When you see people purchasing your online courses, you will thank yourself.

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