
10 Best Video Ad Networks For Publishers in 2024: [INCREASE YOUR REVENUES]

Using videos to advertise has become really important for making marketing successful. These videos catch people’s attention and tell interesting stories.

Companies that show these videos have special online places where they can do it. These places are like valuable online properties. These companies are leading this big change. They use networks that help them show these video ads and make the most money they can.

Because many people want to watch exciting videos, companies have lots of choices for picking the best networks to show their video ads.

This article talks about the “Best Video Ad Networks for Companies.” It looks at the best platforms that help companies make money from their videos. These platforms also show ads that people like and find interesting.

We will talk about different kinds of ads and how they target people. We will also see why these networks are great for companies that want to do well with video ads.

So let us begin.

What Are Video Ad Networks?

Video ad networks are like important tools in today’s digital advertising landscape. They’re made to help videos that advertise things get to lots of different websites and apps, and also help the people who make those websites and apps make money from showing these videos.

Imagine them as matchmakers between the companies that want to show their ads and the websites or apps that have space for those ads. They make sure the videos get to the right places and become engaging ad content.

The main job of these networks is to make it easy for ads to be shown in videos. This helps companies reach the people they want to show their ads to. At the same time, the websites or apps that show these videos can make money.

It’s a win-win situation: companies get to show their ads, websites or apps make money, and people who watch the videos see ads that are interesting and related to them.

Features of Video Ad Networks

1. Inventory Aggregation:

Video ad networks gather and take care of many different spots where ads can be shown. These spots are on various websites, apps for phones, and other online places.

By putting all these spots together, advertisers can show their ads to more people without having to make deals with each website or app separately.

2. Targeted Advertising:

Companies can use video ad networks to aim their ads at particular groups of people based on things like age, interests, what they do online, and where they live.

This makes sure that their ads are seen by the right groups of people who would be most interested. This kind of precise targeting makes their advertising campaigns work better.

3. Ad Formats:

Video ad networks can handle different types of ad styles. There are ads that play before, during, or after a video (in-stream), ones that pop up on top of the content (overlay), and ones that show in between content (interstitial).

Some ads even let you interact with them or buy things directly from the video (interactive and shoppable). Because of this flexibility, companies can pick the ad style that suits their campaign goals the best.

4. Monetization for Publishers:

Websites and app creators can make money by giving space for ads from advertisers in the network.

Video ad networks give these creators tools to handle and make the most of the ads they show. This helps them enhance their revenue potential.

5. Ad Serving Technology:

Video ad networks use really smart technology to make sure ads show up perfectly on all kinds of devices and places where people watch videos.

This tech also makes sure that ads are counted accurately and gives important information about how well they’re doing. This helps both the companies showing the ads and the websites or apps that display them understand what’s working. This helps both publishers and advertisers.

6. Data Insights:

Video ad networks give advertisers important information and numbers that show how well their ad campaigns are doing. They can see things like how many people watched the ad, clicked on it, how much they engaged with it, and if it led to people taking actions like buying something.

The websites or apps that show the ads also get information about how well the ads are doing and what the viewers are doing. This helps them decide where to put the ads and what kind of content to make.

7. Brand Safety and Verification:

Lots of video ad networks use safety tools and checks to make sure ads appear in safe and trustworthy places. This is important to keep the image of the companies showing the ads safe and to make sure people have a good experience when they see the ads.

10 Best Video Ad Networks For Publishers 2024

Here is the list of the Best Video Ad Networks you can try:

1. Magnite

The beginning of Magnite, a big advertising platform now, happened when two companies, Rubicon Project and Telaria, came together. They joined forces in December 2019 and officially became one company in March 2020.

Magnite Overview

Magnite is really good at handling ads on different types of channels. It’s like a tool that helps websites and apps show ads, especially videos.

Because of its focus on videos, Magnite is used by lots of important websites. They use it to show ads from many different advertisers, covering more than 65% of the most well-known publishers around the world.

Major Benefits of Magnite –

2. Adsterra

Starting in 2013, Adsterra has grown into a big advertising network that works with lots of advertisers and publishers of different sizes from all over the world.

One special thing about Adsterra is that it shows a huge number of ads, more than 30 billion every month. And most of these ads are seen on mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, making up more than 70% of the ads.

Adsterra brings together more than 13,000 different brands and 21,000 publishers. This makes it a busy and important place where lots of different companies connect and work together.

Major Benefits of Adsterra –

3. PubMatic

Based in California, PubMatic is a big name in online advertising. It’s known around the world because it’s connected to more than 200 Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) and people who buy ads.

One of the most important things PubMatic does is its video ad network. This is one of the best ways for companies to advertise in a smart and automated way.

It’s really helpful for websites and apps that show ads. They have an easy-to-use system that also works really well.

Major Benefits of PubMatic:

4. Unruly

Unruly, which started in Shoreditch, London, is a big player in technology, especially when it comes to video ad networks. It all began in 2006 as a small startup with just three people.

But today, Unruly is a global leader in ad technology. They have connections to a lot of Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs), which are places where ads are bought, and they have a big collection of video ads.

Unruly is known for their creative way of making video ads available to everyone. They’re not just for big video makers. Unruly helps all sorts of website owners make money by showing video ads on their sites. They’re pretty groundbreaking in this approach.

Major Benefits of Unruly:

5. AdPlayer.Pro

Created in 2016, AdPlayer.Pro is a modern ad network that focuses on video ads for the web. They’re really clever in how they use HTML5 player technology to make these video ads work.

Their special player can handle different types of ads, whether they play within the video or pop up outside of it. They follow the industry’s important rules and standards, like VPAID, VAST, and Google IMA, to make sure things run smoothly.

Major Benefits of AdPlayer.Pro –

6. SelectMedia

SelectMedia is a video ad network that’s really good at what it does. It’s like a complete package because it handles everything from start to finish.

They specialize in a specific type of ad called “out-stream advertising,” which is ads that show up outside of the main video content. They’re especially good at this in Asian markets.

What makes SelectMedia stand out is that they offer different ways to show these out-stream ads, like in a slide, banner, or within the content itself. They even have video ads designed for smart TVs. With more than 650 top-notch customers, they’ve become a trusted partner for many advertising needs.

One of the cool things about SelectMedia is their focus on real-time bidding (RTB). This means they help ads get bought and shown really quickly and in a way that adjusts to what’s happening right then and there.

Major Benefits of SelectMedia –

7. OpenX

OpenX is a big player in advertising that works in two important ways: as an ad network and an ad exchange.

They’re like a powerful tool in the advertising world because they connect with a lot of partners on both sides of advertising: the places that show ads (Supply-Side Platforms or SSPs) and the places that buy ads (Demand-Side Platforms or DSPs).

OpenX doesn’t limit itself to just one area. They work with a wide range of devices. This includes regular computers and mobile devices like phones and tablets.

They even go beyond that, reaching into the world of TVs, including ones that are connected to the internet (Connected TV or CTV) and ads that show up while streaming TV content.

Their approach covers a lot of technology, making ads appear on various devices in many different ways.

Major Benefits of OpenX –

8. Primis:

Leading the way in video discovery platforms is Primis, known for its wide range of video ads and impressive features that make it a pioneer in the industry.

Many successful publishers from all over the world trust this ad network. Primis offers a variety of features that make it a favorite platform for publishers.

One standout feature is its large collection of different ad types. This variety sparks creativity and adds depth to the world of advertising.

Major Benefits of Primis –

9. Xandr (Previously AppNexus):

Once known as AppNexus, Xandr changed its name in 2018. It’s one of the earliest and most respected names in the world of video ad networks. Xandr has been a significant presence in this field since it started in 2007 and is now a top marketplace for video ads.

Xandr’s influence goes wide, connecting with over 80 demand-side platforms (DSPs) all around the world.

To make things even smoother, Xandr has an extra part of their platform that’s designed to help advertisers and publishers work together directly. This helps them make deals more easily and efficiently.

Major Benefits of Xandr –

10. Vidazoo

Taking a significant role, Vidazoo stands out as an innovative platform for managing video content and getting the most out of it.

They bring together a set of tools that use automation to help publishers manage different video ads and make sure they’re shown to the right audiences. All of this happens in one place.

Vidazoo is recognized as a trusted partner of Google when it comes to video technology. This partnership shows how skilled and aligned they are with industry standards.

Their influence is wide, helping more than 200 publishers from around the world. They handle an impressive number of over 6 billion different views every month.

Major Benefits of Vidazoo –

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Conclusion: Best Video Ad Networks For Publishers 2024

Video ad networks have become incredibly important for publishers. As people are watching more videos, publishers have a great chance to use video ads to make money and make the audience’s experience better.

Throughout this exploration of the “Best Video Ad Networks for Publishers,” we’ve learned about a world where new ideas meet making money. The right platform can turn websites into places where ads work really well.

From AdPlayer.Pro’s strong features to Vidazoo’s automation tools, from Primis’ global reach to Xandr’s technology, and from SelectMedia’s tailored solutions to OpenX’s many options – these networks are all leaders in their own ways.

They help publishers make the most of video ads, using the best technology and careful targeting to create a space where content creators and advertisers both do well.

As the online world changes, publishers need to stay flexible with video ads. The best networks help them adjust to these changes and give them tools to find new chances and solve problems.

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