
5 Examples of e-Learning That Showcase its’ Power

E-learning, which is defined as learning that is supported via the use of technology, comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Few instructors, however, are aware of how far e-learning examples can go. In this article, I have shared 5 examples of e-learning.

Although the applications of e-learning extend much beyond the four we will examine here, they are representative of its range.

Due to technological developments, our culture may now shift away from the more conventional, in-person educational models and toward the more flexible, virtual ones.

People can learn anything — Python programming, Japanese, and even accounting — using modern software systems without ever leaving their homes.

You switch on your computer and instantly have access to insights from illustrious individuals in fields as diverse as chef and academics.

You may learn in-demand skills via courses designed with input from businesses.

Thankfully, this is now feasible with the help of online education. As a result, people from all walks of life are now able to benefit from its accessibility, affordability, and opportunity. Previously excluded groups may now participate because of no longer being geographically isolated.

The e-learning market is expected to be worth more than $243 billion by 2022, growing as access to and confidence in technology do so.

Expanding one’s horizons via education has always existed, but it was formerly only available to a select few who happened to be in the right place at the right time.

An online, interactive degree course is now available. You may save a lot of money and time by studying online instead of at a traditional institution.

Here are 5 examples of e-learning:

1. Airbus Saves Millions of Pounds With the help of E-learning

The discussion must now shift to actual e-learning case studies in the corporate world. In today’s world, corporations, not governments or schools, are the primary drivers of innovation across all sectors, and the educational sector is no different.

The following example illustrates why 90% of firms currently use e-learning.

The European aerospace giant Airbus, which employs more than 134,000 people, has become famous for its use of digital learning to save tens of millions of pounds.

As part of its digital transformation, it used Workday, a cloud-based HCM application.

As part of their journey into online education, they developed a “Pulse” system that gives staff members access to tens of thousands of e-learning materials.

5 examples of e-learning

Having a digital learning library has several advantages, including easy accessibility from anywhere in the globe and frequent updates to keep up with the needs of your workforce.

Logging into the cloud, making significant changes in a single day, and instantly disseminating these updated learning materials to workers may eliminate the need for yearly releases of new employee handbooks.

This case study of online education shows how beneficial it can be when used in large corporations.

2. E-Learning Example of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

From topics like “Shaping the Future of Work” and “Google Cloud Architecture” to more broad topics like “The Science of Well Being” and “How to Draw From Beginner to Master,” there’s something for everyone.

You don’t have to attend a traditional college or university to get credentials like a “Professional certificate” in Data Engineering on Google Cloud or a “Reiki Master” designation for working with animals.

More than 4,600 courses are available on the Coursera website right now. Their online training examples include the ones below:

There is now a university-like setting available online thanks to massive open online courses (MOOCs), which provide a wide range of scenario-based lessons taught by renowned professors.

Another example is edX, which has over 2500 free courses available on its website. Accredited universities such as Harvard University, MIT, and UC Berkeley generated these examples.

In addition, they provide a star rating system to help you gauge how other users felt about the same issue.

The price of this alternative is far cheaper than that of attending college on a physical campus. They can more readily disseminate information and save money on housing and course materials.

E-learning has several benefits, one of which is that it makes education and e-learning available to a larger population.

In order to guarantee that you recall the most important information, several of these courses use recorded “lectures” and periodic “exams.”

The classes are accessible whenever you want, so you may study whenever it’s convenient. This broadens its appeal to learners with a diversity of styles.

What you’ll see on your test depends on the credential you’re pursuing. These tests might range from brief multiple-choice quizzes to extended writing assignments graded by a class of students’ peers. Another instance might be a final test or a keystone project that is evaluated by the professor or the class as a whole.

The number of available e-learning samples is rising. They provide opportunities to learn about a topic that interests you at a little expense, rather than following a predefined curriculum via standardized, conventional education.

3. E-Learning Examples in Higher Education

Courses at reputable universities and colleges are increasingly being offered digitally. Students now have a more convenient approach to take courses taught by reputable professors thanks to these online, interactive learning platforms.

For example, U. of Phoenix and Capella University were pioneers among online colleges. For the first time, you may get a four-year degree or higher from them completely online.

Since the advent of increasingly advanced internet connections and software, more and more university-level courses have been made available online. They started off giving just a handful of courses but have now grown to provide whole degrees through engaging eLearning platforms.

These online programs are very beneficial to the colleges that provide them. They can accommodate a far larger number of pupils than traditional classrooms can and make education accessible to people in more places.

Many individuals may now take advantage of first-rate courses that were previously unavailable to them outside of a classroom setting.

There is no standard for the presentation of e-learning in the academic world. Some use prerecorded lectures and quizzes to gauge students’ progress, while others bring traditional face-to-face teaching methods online by providing students with live lectures and timed exams.

The social aspect is also a part of certain online institutions. Unfortunately, if your lessons are recorded and you have minimal interaction with your instructors or other students, online education might seem quite isolated and lonely.

Some students may find it challenging to interact with others who come from different cultural backgrounds and socioeconomic levels.

There is a serious challenge for online schools in creating a sense of community among their students, despite the fact that e-learning may welcome learners from all over the globe.

Regardless, many individuals will realize that these eLearning case studies for higher education are the best options for them.

Without leaving your home, you may get a degree that is held in the same regard as one earned in a traditional classroom setting.

No need to sacrifice your free time or go through boring lectures to further your education and increase your employability thanks to online learning.

4. “Micro-Credentials” or “Nano-Degrees”

Online education is superior to traditional classroom instruction for job-specific training.

Updating a typical college’s curriculum may be time-consuming because of the high standards that are required.

This is a perfect illustration of how the rise of online education is changing the face of academia.

Training programs for niche skills or rapidly expanding fields may be developed using e-learning technologies. It just takes a few weeks or months to develop a course.

This online learning case study shows how simulation software may be used to train future professionals.

The creation of nano-degree courses is often a joint effort between universities and companies facing a skills need. Their number one priority is tailoring their education to fit the specifics of their position.

To meet the needs of major businesses, the eLearning industry is shifting towards nano-degrees and micro-credentials. As a result of technological advancements, data collection has increased.

However, a gulf sprang up between the businesses in need of individuals with data-analysis skills and the people who really had the necessary training.

To address this need, businesses like Udacity have created “nano-degree” programs. They are tailored to provide individuals with the specific skills desired by the corporate world.

The programs help students acquire marketable skills that may be used immediately in the workplace, therefore reducing or eliminating the skills gap that exists in the job market.

Students will get experience with actual workplace situations via scenario-based e-learning. They ensure that students are work-ready by teaching them particular software skills, giving them feedback and training, and so on.

This kind of eLearning case is often used in the IT sector. The pace at which software develops and changes is far outstripping the time it takes educational institutions to provide updated course materials.

It is challenging to produce graduates of good quality. In particular, those who have shown proficiency in a certain piece of software that is essential to the company’s operations.

If you want to increase your marketability to potential employers, a nano-degree program may be the way to go. If you’re in a hurry to find new work, this eLearning case study is an excellent choice because of how little time it takes to complete it.

However, nano-degrees aren’t limited to IT specialists; Udacity also offers courses via its School of Business.

A four-week medical billing and coding course is another kind of eLearning.

This example would guide you through a typical scenario of a software company’s sales process, or 90-hour sales boot camps that help you find a sales job  — particularly software as a service company like Salesforce and Zoom Video — with this example taking you through a scenario similar to the sales process at software companies.

AT&T collaborated with Udacity on an e-learning project. Through its philanthropic program, AT&T Aspire, they’re offering nano-degrees.

5. Interactive E-learning Virtual Workshops

Have you ever wished you could take cooking lessons from celebrity chef Jamie Oliver?

How about giving at-home ballet practise a try?

In the past, people had to physically go somewhere to participate in fitness and yoga classes, culinary, and even artisan workshops. It used to be hard to picture a world where you might take part in such pursuits online.

For this reason, a one-way, pre-recorded video would not be an adequate replacement for a live instructor in a fitness class, when form feedback is essential. However, supplies for arts and crafts or even meals are usually provided by the class’s sponsor, which means you won’t need to scrounge through your house.

It took longer to transfer this kind of eLearning online than other kinds of eLearning since there were more obstacles to overcome.

Teachers may now electronically interact with their students, whether it’s to provide pointers on downward dog or to help out if the fish you’re preparing catches fire. They can also take advantage of speedy shipping to give their students access to yarn for a knitting class.

Unlike on-demand eLearning, live workshops allow for participant interaction.

Keep in mind that we already said that online education has a hard time fostering camaraderie the way that face-to-face education does.

An online-only student who also works from home is more likely to feel lonely than their co-ed counterparts. Demand for real-time, one-on-one coaching will be high.

The bulk of the examples we’ve provided concern on-demand recorded lessons.

One way that eLearning is helping to combat isolation is via virtual, live workshops.

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